Dec 26th Aiguilles Rouges

Today was a good day.  Boxing Day it is called by some.  I went to La Flégère while Danno was working and I took off on a solo hike!  No snowshoes needed due to the lack of snow.  Beautiful blue sky day.  

La Flégère from above

 My goal of today's hike was to find Lac Blanc.  As I traveled out the route, I ran into an English woman who frequented Chamonix on vacation with her family. She asked where I was from and when I said Colorado she said is that your husband the ski Pisteur?  Then I met a family of four from all over the world.  The father originally from Reunion Island, the mother originally from Chicago now living in Paris, the son now living in Annecy and the daughter and or girlfriend of the son I believe was living in Paris.  They were also in search of this Lac Blanc but decided to just enjoy their lunch in the blue sky sunshine.  Then returned to La Flégère where they met Danno!  They were the last group I saw as I ventured out in search of this mysterious lake.

Both sides of the Aiguille Rouges

                   I never  did find the lake but I certainly found beauty.